Meet Your Canine Fine Trainers
We are happy to introduce to you the dog trainer team that helps you enjoy class, praises your hard work at home and generally works to make sure that the dog you have today is a better companion tomorrow!
Marnie – CPDT-KA; Owner/Head Trainer
Marnie Johnson is a Certified Pet Dog Trainer-Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) Colorado native who has had dogs all her life. Currently she shares her home with Pembroke Corgis, Suki & Bardo. Read her full Bio HERE.
Graham started bringing his Sheltie, Dani, to puppy classes back when it was still Zoom Room. When Marnie was looking for part time help, he applied and has been learning and training with her for over 3 years. He has a passion for dog nutrition and dog behavioral challenges. While he does feed raw to his dogs he knows everything about kibble, freeze dried, dehydrated etc. If you have a food question, he is the one to ask.
You will typically see Graham on Sunday teaching the Agility classes (wearing his Green Bay cap during football season) and he will occasionally assist or lead in any of our other curriculum during a weeknight. His full time job keeps him pretty busy! Graham shares his life with Dani, his other sheltie, Ty and a very finicky cat!
Haley is a Karen Pryor Certified Training Partner and Certified Animal Assisted Social Worker originally from Southern California. In high school Haley took an internship at a local veterinary clinic with aspirations of becoming a veterinarian one day herself. For better or worse, she landed at a clinic where the animals were treated poorly and where the humans were overworked and unkind. The experienced awakened her to the importance of the human-animal bond and it became clear that the well-being of people and animals is intricately intertwined.
So in addition to learning everything she could about canine behavior, Haley also pursued a degree in clinical social work to gain an equal understanding of human psychology and motivation. While completing her Masters in Social Work at the University of Denver, Haley also had the honor of working with some of the country’s leading authorities on human-animal interaction science to earn a certification in Animal-Assisted Social Work.
After working clinically as an animal assisted therapist and training her therapy dog, Corbin, Haley discovered that helping others attain more gratifying relationships with their dogs through better understanding of training and behavior is work she finds truly fulfilling! Haley is our main trainer for Clicker Mechanics and she is currently learning our curriculum and working her way to being lead instructor for group classes. In addition, she is available during the week for private training in behavioral issues, manners, and puppy.
Jessica – K-9 NoseWork Instructor